Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Is it June Already?

Holy crap... June came fast! I feel like we only got into Vienna yesterday, and we're going to be leaving in a little less than two days. Its crazy how time flies! I am excited to go home (I am definitely missing people), but at the same time, I want to stay longer because I'm finally feeling comfortable in the city. Dang it!

These last few days in Vienna are mainly being spent shopping (a lot of gift getting ) and doing some last minute things we haven't quite fit in yet.

I mentioned before that my class requires us to go to many different museums, mostly as part of in-class trips. However, we did have to go to the Imperial Treasury on our own. This is the place where all of the crown jewels, expensive tapestries, and encrusted church pieces of the Royals are housed. Let me tell you, this was cool. We even got to see the largest emerald in the world, around 2380 carats (not like thats a big deal or anything). After seeing these pieces, it seems a little ridiculous to me that people actually lived in that amount of luxury. I mean, there was even a baby blanket embroidered with real gold and silver thread! All in all, the things in the treasury were pretty amazing.

It rained here again today. I feel like an umbrella is becoming a permanent accessory necessary to function in this city! It was also maybe reached 60, and I wore my North Face fleece for most of the day. Did I mention that it was June? This weather is crazy! Fanni told us today that this is the first time since they began recording weather that Austria has had this kind of weather in the summer. Well, at least we got to experience a piece of history, right?

One of the places I'll be sad to leave in Vienna is the bakery about a block away from our house. It is the cheapest place we've found in the city, and they have some of the best bread and pastries in the city! The apple strudel I got one day (yes, we've been multiple times) was fantastic, and rivaled my grandma's apple pie! Amanda is also slightly obsessed with their bread from there as well. If she could bring a loaf back, she would, but I don't think that it would survive the plane ride.

Tonight, for dinner, we went back to the great brewery by our house with Fanni and Taylor, the other student staying with us from Macalester College. It was a fun time, and I'm so glad we got to go out with them, because we've talked about it since we arrived in Vienna. Over the course of the night, we figured out that Amanda, Fanni, and I all have one dimple on our cheek! Amanda then told her that people like to poke her in the dimple, and Fanni just said that her friends sometimes tease her and call it "cellulite on her face."

The brewery reminded me of this, because it was very smoky inside - Many people smoke in Europe. Seriously, its absolutely everywhere, and its probably one of the only things I dislike about Europe. Amanda told us that her professor said 41% of women in Austria smoke. Yuck! It makes me really want to go back to good ole smoke-free Ottawa County! The restaurants will even sell them. They also have strange warnings on the boxes. For example, we saw one that said something to the effect of "Don't smoke around children, because it is bad for their health" and "Smoking can kill you." Slightly different from our required Surgeon General's Warning on the cigarette boxes in the States. I find it ironic that Europe continues to promote this bad habit, because they are very much more environmentally focused than the States. Its like they're choosing to promote a healthier planet, but not a healthier body.

Well, I have my final exam tomorrow, so I should probably be heading to bed here soon. I need to be able to think for this exam and have energy left over for shopping! We'll probably try to squeeze in one last post tomorrow night during the chaotic mess that is packing. Cross your fingers for a rain free last day in Vienna - not likely, but I can hope! T-minus 2 days until Michigan! Until then...

Sweet Dreams!

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