Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away!

Ok so the last three days it has been raining here all the time. Seriously, I thought I left Michigan behind.
Sunday, it poured all day and turned the what I would call a small river that is near our house into a huge raging one. Yesterday and thus far today it has been raining/sprinkling on and off, and SLOWLY its getting warmer...its normally 80 degrees in Vienna during this time of year and its been between 45 and 55 the whole time we have been in Vienna thus far. But seriously that is my only complaint. I am loving everything about the city and the experience. The last couple days we have gone exploring around the city and have found some yummy places to eat. On Sunday in the rain, Molly and I went out to find a restaurant a few stops away from ours on the Subway. Well instead we found some really cool shops and no where we wanted to eat. If you ask Molly though I apparently led her on a wild goose chase... whoops! :) But after that we just went into downtown Vienna where we found a restaurant on one of the side streets that was delicious then started to explore some more. We found a ton of shops and a LOT of places that sold chocolates and pastries. Eventually we made it to a main road and found Zanoni & Zanoni - which has the most delicious gelato ever! They also give you a ton for your money. Let me remind you that this whole time it was raining - a lot - but seriously once I got some food into Molly she was all for it (she was a TID bit crabby before that because we all know how Molly gets when she fails to eat hahaha).
Monday we had our first day of classes at the institute, we had started them previously in Morbisch. The history class is still good - we went to these things called the Catacombs where the Austrian Royal family, the Habsburgs, are all laid to rest in . It was interesting and creepy all at the same time becuase for a lot of them, you can get really close and some of them you can actually touch.
Monday night we went into the city and saw the Ballet "Coppélia." We had standing room only seats which weren't ideal but we did have a fairly good view and they were only 3 euros. Also the Opera house itself is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I have never seen anything like it and there was no way I could get a picture to capture how gorgeous it was. Here are a few to get the idea...

Everything here in Vienna is beautiful and I am finding surprises around every corner. We go into Salzburg this weekend from Friday until Sunday, so I am hoping that the weather warms up and the rain goes away :)

Until one of us finds more time...

1 comment:

  1. It would be real beautiful if I could see the whole picture you goof! Learn how to operate your blog picture loading device, k???
    Glad you're having fun - your mom just told me last night that you have this blog!
